Player Valuation Model

AI powered player transfer values

Player Valuation Model

Unlike the commonly used arbitrary process of valuing players, SciSports' unique Player Valuation Model offers the largest, most up to date and accurate database of Estimated Transfer Values (ETV) in the industry.


Data-driven player valuation

SciSports calculates Estimated Transfer Values (ETV) for more than 240,000 professional football players in over 250 leagues. We do this by using a machine learning model that is trained on around 600,000 historical transfers to find patterns in the transfer fees paid for transfers in the past. In combination with other influential attributes this results in authentic player valuations that are updated every month. Our model is built to best represent the intrinsic value of a player based on historic and futuristic on-pitch added value under free market circumstances.


In order to have the most objective view to value a player, we broadly consider the following information when calculating Estimated Transfer Values (ETV):

  • Player age
  • Player position
  • Player performance
    • Current player level
    • Projected potential level
    • Recent playing time
  • Player experience
    • Number of matches played
    • Number of minutes played
    • Experience in domestic leagues
    • Experience in (inter)national tournaments
  • League strength
  • Contract situation

Expert panel

With our mission to constantly deliver the best-in class player valuations, we have established an expert panel led by our partner FootballTransfers that will continually iterate on the Estimated Transfer Values we generate and assure a layer of transparency to the creation process.


What people in the field have to say about SciSports

“FootballTransfers has grown rapidly as a brand since its launch in 2020 and collaboration with a respected partner such as SciSports will power our journey to becoming the most trusted, authoritative source of player valuations in the world.”
Thijs Freriks
Co-Founder and Director of Business Development at FootballTransfers


Based on extensive market research we’re confident that our Estimated Transfer Values (ETV) are the best in the industry. Here are the key reasons why:

  • With 240,000 players in 250 leagues, we have the biggest database of player values available in the market that are updated every single month
  • By relying on a powerful SciSports algorithm, that is trained on 600,000 historical transfers, and a dedicated expert panel managed by FootballTransfers, we’ve taken an innovative approach that the industry has not seen before
  • Some companies make use of an arbitrary process where players are valued based on estimations a few times per year, whereas we update and crunch the numbers every single month to provide a more accurate view on what a player is worth
  • Unlike any other party, we are able to deliver historical development, value ranges and a single value to best express a player’s valuation
  • SciSports is known for its data analytics work that is adopted by professional football organisations all over the world and has an enormous amount of first-hand experience when it’s comes to objectively quantifying football players
Estimated Transfer Value
*As part of full application functionality
monthly subscription

5 leagues

*As part of full application functionality
monthly subscription

10 leagues

*As part of full application functionality
monthly subscription

All 250+ leagues