SciSports is delighted to highlight a number of new developments in its Recruitment Application which will continue to help football clubs and agencies in data-driven recruitment.
The latest updates on the Recruitment application include collaborative and communicative elements such as comments and labels which will help coordinate the workflow of organisations within the application.
Consisting of over 180,000 players from more than 250 leagues worldwide, the Recruitment application covers a wide range of markets for its users. Data scouting can save time to spend more efforts on video or live scouting yet streamlining this process is equally important.
As the number of football organisations using the Recruitment application continues to grow rapidly, collaborative elements are at the forefront of development. This includes newly added features such as being able to create a labelling system within the player database as well as adding comments to individual player profiles.
Streamlining the workflow in data scouting
Scouting within professional football comes within a wide range of challenges but probably none more so than finding an efficient workflow. In order to organise scouting processes better within the Recruitment application, users are now able to create labels and add them to specific players.
By creating an effective labelling system, all users within the same organisation will be able to keep tabs on how they are operating as a department. In order to allow users flexibility, the labels function is fully customisable both in terms of naming and colour. This means that users have the freedom to personalise the application to both their preferred strategy in terms of data scouting as well as making visual elements as desired.
Figure 1. Filter by personalised labels to sort through the right players
As shown in the snapshot above, a wide number of labels can be created for several different types of scouting assignments. From simply labelling players who could be worth video scouting based on their SciSports profile to discarding the player as an option, each stage of the recruitment process can be tagged through the application.
Over time, the progressive use of the label function will begin to add further layers of context to the data scouting process. Rather than having to jump between different sources for organisational purposes, the labels feature ensures that users within an organisation work in a streamlined and effective process.
Adding specialist insight on a player
In addition to streamlining a workflow with labels, a new added update which enhances collaboration in the Recruitment application is adding comments to a player’s profile. Within an organisation, communication is often key for effective scouting practices. That is why users can now add their own insight on players into the application directly.
A range of data-driven insights including SciSkill, Performance and Player Roles can now be backed up by a user’s own insight on a specific player – as demonstrated below.
Figure 2. Input your own insight within the comments section
Just like with the labels feature, comments on a player’s profile will be visible to all users within each organisation. Instead of having to share insight on a player externally, the Recruitment application provides a one-stop-shop for data scouting.
As the Recruitment application continues to develop, SciSports firmly believes that collaborative online tools are at the heart of successful scouting organisations. By supporting football clubs and agencies on a day-to-day basis through these means, SciSports continually enhances the workflows of organisations all around the world.
Use actionable insights within the SciSports Recruitment application!
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